NATIONAL CLEAN AIR DAY - Are you doing your bit to help the environment?

Today (June 15) is National Clean Air Day.

Thousands of people have already signed up to pledges to leave cars at home, walk their children to school and commute a different way.

One of the most popular ways to travel without damaging the environment is by scooter, which has plenty of other benefits too.

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Alongside cutting emissions and helping us tackle the issues around pollution, scooting to work is also a great way to get away from the hot and sticky buses and make the most of your journey to work (who knows, you could even find some hidden gems along the way!) - and the benefits of scooting with your children to school are huge (mainly avoiding that crazy school run!) - take a look here for a little more on that.

Anyone who would like to try their hand at scooting should visit the micro scooters website which not only has lots of statistics about the benefits of scooters but also plenty of models of scooters to buy.