Quarry House in Leeds. PIC: Mike CowlingQuarry House in Leeds. PIC: Mike Cowling
Quarry House in Leeds. PIC: Mike Cowling

Go inside 'The Kremlin' - Leeds Quarry House during the 1990s

It's the building whose architecture divides opinion among Leeds residents.

Whether you it love or loathe it Quarry House - nicknamed 'The Kremlin' - has now been part of the cityscape for more than 20 years. It opened in July 1993 at a cost of £55 million providing new headquarters for the Department of Health and Social Security and housing 2,000 staff. Enjoy these photos hidden in the YEP archive from back in the day. CHANGING LEEDS: Dark Arches | Briggate | The Headrow | Boar Lane | Vicar Lane LOVE LEEDS? LOVE NOSTALGIA? Join the Leeds Retro facebook group